The Nursing Process

Nursing is both a science and an art concerned with the physical, psychological, sociological, cultural, and spiritual concerns of the individual. The science of nursing is based on a broad theoretical framework; its art depends on the caring skills and abilities of the individual nurse. In its early developmental years, nursing did not seek or have the means to control its own practice. In more recent times, the nursing profession has struggled to define what makes nursing unique and has identified a body of professional knowledge unique to nursing practice. In 1980, the American Nurses Association (ANA) developed the first Social Policy Statement defining nursing as “the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential health problems.” Along with the definition of nursing came the need to explain the method used to provide nursing care.

Years before, nursing leaders had developed a problemsolving process consisting of three steps—assessment, planning, and evaluation—patterned after the scientific method of observing, measuring, gathering data, and analyzing findings. This method, introduced in the 1950s, was called nursing process. Shore (1988) described the nursing process as “combining the most desirable elements of the art of nursing with the most relevant elements of systems theory, using the scientific method.” This process incorporates an interactive/interpersonal approach with a problem-solving and decision-making process (Peplau, 1952; King, 1971; Yura & Walsh, 1988).

Over time, the nursing process expanded to five steps and has gained widespread acceptance as the basis for providing effective nursing care. Nursing process is now included in the conceptual framework of all nursing curricula, is accepted in the legal definition of nursing in the Nurse Practice Acts of most states, and is included in the ANA Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice.

The five steps of the nursing process consist of the following:

1. Assessment is an organized dynamic process involving three basic activities:
a) systematically gathering data,
b) sorting and organizing the collected data, and
c) documenting the data in a retrievable fashion.

Subjective and objective data are collected from various sources, such as the client interview and physical assessment. Subjective data are what the client or significant others report, believe, or feel, and objective data are what can be observed or obtained from other sources, such as laboratory and diagnostic studies, old medical records, or other healthcare providers. Using a number of techniques, the nurse focuses on eliciting a profile of the client that supplies a sense of the client’s overall health status, providing a picture of the client’s physical, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual, cognitive, and developmental levels; economic status; functional abilities; and lifestyle. The profile is known as the client database.

2. Diagnosis/need identification involves the analysis of collected data to identify the client’s needs or problems, also known as the nursing diagnosis. The purpose of this step is to draw conclusions regarding the client’s specific needs or human responses of concern so that effective care can be planned and delivered. This process of data analysis uses diagnostic reasoning (a form of clinical judgment) in which conclusions are reached about the meaning of the collected data to determine whether or not nursing intervention is indicated. The end product is the client diagnostic statement that combines the specific client need with the related factors or risk factors (etiology), and defining characteristics (or cues) as appropriate. The status of the client’s needs are categorized as actual or currently existing diagnoses and potential or risk diagnoses that could develop due to specific vulnerabilities of the client. Ongoing changes in healthcare delivery and computerization of the client record require a commonality of communication to ensure continuity of care for the client moving from one setting/level of healthcare to another. The use of standardized terminology or NANDA International (NANDA-I) nursing diagnosis labels provides nurses with a common language for identifying client needs. Furthermore, the use of standardized nursing diagnosis labels also promotes identification of appropriate goals, provides acuity information, is useful in creating standards for nursing practice, provides a base for quality improvement, and facilitates research supporting evidence-based nursing practices.

3. Planning includes setting priorities, establishing goals, identifying desired client outcomes, and determining specific nursing interventions. These actions are documented as the plan of care. This process requires input from the client/significant others to reach agreement regarding the plan to facilitate the client taking responsibility for his or her own care and the achievement of the desired outcomes and goals. Setting priorities for client care is a complex and dynamic challenge that helps ensure that the nurse’s attention and subsequent actions are properly focused. What is perceived today to be the number one client care need or appropriate nursing intervention could change tomorrow, or, for that matter, within minutes, based on changes in the client’s condition or situation. Once client needs are prioritized, goals for treatment and discharge are established that indicate the general direction in which the client is expected to progress in response to treatment. The goals may be short-term—those that usually must be met before the client is discharged or moved to a lesser level of care— and/or long-term, which may continue even after discharge. From these goals, desired outcomes are determined to measure the client’s progress toward achieving the goals of treatment or the discharge criteria. To be more specific, outcomes are client responses that are achievable and desired by the client that can be attained within a defined period, given the situation and resources. Next, nursing interventions are chosen that are based on the client’s nursing diagnosis, the established goals and desired outcomes, the ability of the nurse to successfully implement the intervention, and the ability and the willingness of the client to undergo or participate in the intervention, and they reflect the client’s age/situation and individual strengths, when possible. Nursing interventions are direct-care activities or prescriptions for behaviors, treatments, activities, or actions that assist the client in achieving the measurable outcomes. Nursing interventions, like nursing diagnoses, are key elements of the knowledge of nursing and continue to grow as research supports the connection between actions and outcomes (McCloskey & Bulechek, 2000). Recording the planning step in a written or computerized plan of care provides for continuity of care, enhances communication, assists with determining agency or unit staffing needs, documents the nursing process, serves as a teaching tool, and coordinates provision of care among disciplines. A valid plan of care demonstrates individualized client care by reflecting the concerns of the client and significant others, as well as the client’s physical, psychosocial, and cultural needs and capabilities.

4. Implementation occurs when the plan of care is put into action, and the nurse performs the planned interventions. Regardless of how well a plan of care has been constructed, it cannot predict everything that will occur with a particular client on a daily basis. Individual knowledge and expertise and agency routines allow the flexibility that is necessary to adapt to the changing needs of the client. Legal and ethical concerns related to interventions also must be considered. For example, the wishes of the client and family/significant others regarding interventions and treatments must be discussed and respected. Before implementing the interventions in the plan of care, the nurse needs to understand the reason for doing each intervention, its expected effect, and any potential hazards that can occur. The nurse must also be sure that the interventions are: a) consistent with the established plan of care, b) implemented in a safe and appropriate manner, c) evaluated for effectiveness, and d) documented in a timely manner.

5. Evaluation is accomplished by determining the client’s progress toward attaining the identified outcomes and by monitoring the client’s response to/effectiveness of the selected nursing interventions for the purpose of altering the plan as indicated. This is done by direct observation of the client, interviewing the client/significant other, and/or reviewing the client’s healthcare record. Although the process of evaluation seems similar to the activity of assessment, there are important differences. Evaluation is an ongoing process, a constant measuring and monitoring of the client status to determine:

a) appropriateness of nursing actions,
b) the need to revise interventions,
c) development of new client needs,
d) the need for referral to other resources, and
e) the need to rearrange priorities to meet changing demands of care.

Comparing overall outcomes and noting the effectiveness of specific interventions are the clinical components of evaluation that can become the basis for research for validating the nursing process and supporting evidenced-based practice. The external evaluation process is the key for refining standards of care and determining the protocols, policies, and procedures necessary for the provision of quality nursing care for a specific situation or setting.

When a client enters the healthcare system, whether as an acute care, clinic, or homecare client, the steps of the process noted above are set in motion. Although these steps are presented as separate or individual activities, the nursing process is an interactive method of practicing nursing, with the components fitting together in a continuous cycle of thought and action.

To effectively use the nursing process, the nurse must possess, and be able to apply, certain skills. Particularly important is a thorough knowledge of science and theory, as applied not only in nursing but also in other related disciplines, such as medicine and psychology. A sense of caring, intelligence, and competent technical skills are also essential. Creativity is needed in the application of nursing knowledge as well as adaptability for handling constant change in healthcare delivery and the many unexpected happenings that occur in the everyday practice of nursing.

Because decision making is crucial to each step of the process, the following assumptions are important for the nurse to consider:

The client is a human being who has worth and dignity. This entitles the client to participate in his or her own healthcare decisions and delivery. It requires a sense of the personal in each individual and the delivery of competent healthcare.
There are basic human needs that must be met, and when they are not, problems arise that may require interventions by others until and if the individual can resume responsibility for self. This requires healthcare providers to anticipate and initiate actions necessary to save another’s life or to secure the client’s return to health and independence.

The client has the right to quality health and nursing care delivered with interest, compassion, competence, and a focus on wellness and prevention of illness. The philosophy of caring encompasses all of these qualities.

The therapeutic nurse-client relationship is important in this process, providing a milieu in which the client can feel safe to disclose and talk about his or her deepest concerns.

In 1995, ANA acknowledged that since the release of the original statement, nursing has been influenced by many social and professional changes as well as by the science of caring. Nursing integrated these changes with the 1980 definition to include treatment of human responses to health and illness (Nursing’s Social Policy Statement, ANA, 1995). The revised statement provided four essential features of today’s contemporary nursing practice:

Attention to the full range of human experiences and responses to health and illness without restriction to a problem-focused orientation (in short, clients may have needs for wellness or personal growth that are not “problems” to be corrected)

Integration of objective data with knowledge gained from an understanding of the client’s or group’s subjective experience

Application of scientific knowledge to the process of diagnosis and treatment

Provision of a caring relationship that facilitates health and healing

In 2003, the definition of nursing was further expanded to reflect nursings’ role in wellness promotion and responsibility to its clients, wherever they may be found. Therefore, “nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (Social Policy Statement, ANA, 2003, p 6).
Today our understanding of what nursing is and what nurses do continues to evolve. Whereas nursing actions were once based on variables such as diagnostic tests and medical diagnoses, use of the nursing process and nursing diagnoses provide a uniform method of identifying and dealing with specific client needs/responses in which the nurse can intervene. The nursing diagnosis is thus helping to set standards for nursing practice and should lead to improved care delivery.

Nursing and medicine are interrelated and have implications for each other. This interrelationship includes the exchange of data, the sharing of ideas/thinking, and the development of plans of care that include all data pertinent to the individual client as well as the family/significant others. Although nurses work within medical and psychosocial domains, nursing’s phenomena of concern are the patterns of human response, not disease processes. Thus, the written plan of care should contain more than just nursing actions in response to medical orders and may reflect plans of care encompassing all involved disciplines to provide holistic care for the individual/family.

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