Hepatitis B More Harmful From HIV

hepatitis virus

Society has been looking at HIV as the most dangerous virus in the world. No wonder if all the power is deployed to combat the virus. But it turns out hepatitis B is much more dangerous than HIV. The high risk of hepatitis B infection even reached 100 times than the virus causes the aids.

The spread of hepatitis B is increasingly vulnerable in endemic countries. Recorded World Health Organization (WHO), from 6 billion of the earth's population, 2 billion of them or as much as 30 percent positive infected with hepatitis B. And based on the map of the spread of hepatitis B made by WHO also, Indonesia including countries with moderate to high infections.

The rate of hepatitis B infection is stated low if only diidap less than 2 percent of the population. Being between 2-8 percent and if more than 8 percent, it means the spread of hepatitis B virus somewhere is high.

"In Indonesia, for areas in Java Island infected with Hepatitis B below 8 percent, but for outside Java reaches more than 8 percent.That is why Indonesia entered the country endemi hepatitis B is high to high," said the expert in internal medicine and consultants digestion and liver From RSUP Kariadi Semarang, Dr. Hery Djagat Purnomo SpPD.

To prove more realistic about the spread of hepatitis B in Indonesia, in 2007 the Ministry of Health conducted basic health research involving 10 thousand samples. As a result, 9.4 percent of the samples were positively infected with hepatitis B.

Given the dangers posed by hepatitis B, Indonesia and Brazil also pioneered the hepatitis B infection care movement so it was determined that July 28 is the day of hepatitis B worldwide. It is expected that public awareness of the danger of this disease also increases.

So, what makes this virus so dangerous? Dr Hery Djagat reveals among others because the distribution is very high, while we do not know anyone around us who suffer from hepatitis B. Patients themselves are often not aware that they are already infected. This is very dangerous because the worst effects of this virus can lead to liver cancer.

Given the heart is one of the most vital organs possessed by humans with the primary function of filtering toxins in the body, you can imagine what happens if the heart is damaged.

Transmission or transmission of hepatitis itself is divided into two vertical transmission and horizontal transmission. Vertical transmission occurs when a mother is suffering from hepatitis B so that at the time of delivery it is very likely to be transmitted to the child. "This is the most common type of transmission, so in Indonesia, every newborn baby should get anti-hepatitis injections," explains Dr. Hery Djagat.

While horizontal transmission is the transmission that occurs between people with people through the media such as blood transfusion, syringes used more than one person, and sexual intercourse.

Based on the amount of viral load and the ability to channel, the highest risk is blood transmission either transfusion, syringe or open wound. The moderate is the transmission through semen / vagina (during intercourse) and saliva or saliva.

What also has the potential to transmit hepatitis B is sweat, milk and tears. It's just that the potential is very small. "For that, in conducting blood transfusion, the use of needles in need of sex especially out of wedlock and others need to be careful," said Dr. Hery Djagat. Msi

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